Art of Gaming

      KKK jaotis

      Korduma kippuvad küsimused

      Kas te ei leia seda, mida otsite?

      Saada meile päring!

      klientide tunnistused

      Mida nad ütlevad

      Meie klientide iseloomustused

      Pöörane ebatavaline kogemus ja sõbralik personal. Olime seal, et proovida midagi uut sünnipäeva koosviibimiseks. Meid oli 7 ja mulle meeldis, et kogu koht oli ainult meie endi jaoks. Kindlasti tasub proovida!

        Kirill Ivanov
        Kirill Ivanov


        Väga hea kogemus.VR-s sõitmine klapiindeksiga. Peaaegu tundus tõeline.Kui teil on aega, külastage seda kohta kindlasti.

          Riko Turoko
          Riko Turoko

          CEO, Walton

          When we walked down the street and saw this store, our curiosity drove us to go there. We found out that it was a VR gaming store. The boss greeted us so enthusiastically and let us try out different VR games.

            TK Man
            TK Man


            In the technological landscape, they have no rival in Estonia! The place is very nice and cozy, part of a former bomb shelter, which has been stylishly and practically solved. There is even a kitchenette to cook something good for yourself !

              K R
              K R
